Jake Shears Cuts Loose from Scissor Sisters with a Solo Outing

Written by | Entertainment, Music

Jake Shears with big hat
Jake Shears
Jake Shears (Freida Jean Records)

The former Scissor Sisters frontman Jake Shears returns to the limelight with his debut solo release, an album that seamlessly melds vintage country, rock and disco. Following a move from New York to New Orleans, Jake was able to find the inspiration he was so desperately seeking. As he explains it, “I needed a change of scene, and it’s a city I’ve always wanted to live in. I went down and began writing there and something funny happened.

The good stuff started coming,” he says. “And it kept coming. With the help of many talented musicians, I’ve been able to create the record I’ve been shooting for my whole life. It’s not only the most personal thing I’ve made, I truly believe it’s the best thing I’ve made.” The album’s lead single “Creep City” has been described by Shears as a “theatrical jam,” with a series of twists and turns that describes a moment where Jake reflected on his life and reassessed where he wanted to be spending it. Inspired by the likes of Elton John, Queen and Sylvester, to name a few, the self-titled record truly sounds like an instant classic from start to finish.

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Last modified: August 6, 2019

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