Justin Timberlake’s Man of the Woods Brings R&B Down Home

Written by | Entertainment, Music

Justin Timberlake
Justin Timberlake
Man of the Woods (RCA Records)

Reuniting with the likes of Timbaland, Pharrell Williams of the Neptunes and acclaimed blues singer-songwriter Chris Stapleton, the former *NSYNCer’s latest album feels simultaneously ground-breaking and familiar. Bringing in sounds of traditional American rock — think Tom Petty and Buddy Holly, Man of the Woods explores storytelling inspired by his 3 year-old son, his wife (actress Jessica Biel) and his personal journey from Memphis to where he is today as an international superstar. Listening to (and watching the videos for) hypnotic lead singles “Filthy” and “Supplies” will transport you to a turn-of-the-millenium dance floor — it’s nostalgia at its finest. If you were impressed by his Super Bowl performance back in February, be sure to catch Justin Timberlake on his extensive North American stadium tour this spring and summer. Join his 65 million Twitter followers @jtimberlake.

See our events page for more details on the tour.

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Last modified: August 8, 2018