Protect Yourself from Hate Crime with the Katana Arc Portable Security System

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Katana Safety device on phone

While chocolate, flowers and jewelry may be traditional gifts with which to shower that special someone come February 14, this year we came across a very different way to show you care: The Katana Arc is a multi-level security system that attaches directly to the back of a smart phone, connecting it to a built-in alarm, a mobile app with a GPS-enabled locator and messaging center, and a 24/7 response center. If your paramour ever feels in danger, they can trigger either an audible or silent alarm and be connected to a response center. The response center will call the cell phone to evaluate the situation, and if that phone is not answered? They quickly contact appropriate emergency response services.

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Users can also select a circle of seven friends and family to be sent a map of the phone’s current location and a notification that the user may be in need of help. While such a gift may seem less than romantic, the sad truth is that hate crimes are on the rise in the U.S.  The FBI recently reported a 17-percent increase in bias crimes over the previous year’s statistics — the third consecutive yearly rise. That adds up to approximately 1,500 incidents of violence against members of our community alone. And while some massage oil or sexy underwear may seem like a better Valentine’s day mood-setter, nothing says “I Love You!” like help when its needed most.

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Last modified: February 20, 2019