Rainbow Lifeguard Tower Burned Down to Nothing

Written by | The Lens

The one and only rainbow painted lifeguard tower was burnt to the ground in Long Beach, California last night. Painted by lifeguards during Pride month last year, the tower represented a beach city that is known for being LGBTQ inclusive including having a gay mayor.

Robert Garcia spoke about the incident, claiming “To whoever committed this act, we will rebuild it better and brighter.” Lifeguard towers line the entire beach, yet the one painted as a rainbow was specifically selected to burn. Some might call it an accident, but us homos have endured enough to know this was targeted.

Last night, our PRIDE lifeguard station that was painted by LGBTQ+ lifeguards, burned down. The fire is under…

Posted by Robert Garcia on Tuesday, March 23, 2021

The community has been quite responsive to the news, with residents suggesting, “Paint them ALL Rainbow!!” Now wouldn’t that be a sight and strong message!

The fire is being investigated.

Photo: Twitter @RobertGarcia 

Walk This Gay: Stride with Pride in WeHo

Last modified: March 23, 2021

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