Barry’s Bootcamp

Barry’s Bootcamp
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Bootcamp This challenging workout is designed to give you the best one hour cardio and strength training workout in the World! Perfected over the last 10 years, our basic bootcamp class features approximately 25 to 30 minutes of intense fat blasting cardio on a treadmill at different speeds and elevations followed by strength training for another 25 to 30 minutes using free weights, body bars and your own body weight (hitting a different major muscle group each day), followed by a well-deserved stretch and cool-down. Led by the best instructors in Los Angeles and motivated by the latest hip-hop, house and rock music, you will shortly sculpt a strong and sexy body which will help you excel in all aspect of your life. Academy The Academy requires that Enlistees commit to a full month of Barry's Bootcamp (20 classes, 5 times per week) at a set time in the morning. The Academy starts on the first Monday of the month, Monday through Friday, and runs for 4 weeks. The Academy offers an intense, accelerated bootcamp program, while at the same time generating camaraderie between Enlistees as they watch incredible body changes. Those who are not Academy members are invited to attend the Academy classes with a reservation.

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1106 N. La Cienega Blvd., #104
West Hollywood, CA
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