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Medical advancements in the field of dermatology have made an enormous difference in the lives of people throughout the world. Since so much of the way we are perceived is predicated in how we look, these breakthroughs have helped millions have greater success both in personal and business relationships.
Metrosource spoke briefly to an expert — Peter Chien, MD, PhD, FAAD of Lumos Dermatology, about recent developments in the field.
Metrosource: Could you speak to what makes your practice unique?
Dr. Chien: All our dermatologists are board certified by the American Board of Dermatology. Dermatologists are physicians who have graduated from medical school as well as completed training in a dermatology residency program accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education. Physicians should be checked for proper credentialing in the appropriate specialty https://www.certificationmatters.org/
Metrosource: And that’s a valuable safeguard, right? You don’t want just anyone tinkering with the face you put out to the world.
Dr.Chien: A patient seeking skin care can always rest assured that they are receiving care here from an actual expert in dermatology.
Metrosource: How have you fine-tuned your practice? How are you providing things others don’t?
Dr.Chien: We offer integration of medical dermatology evaluation along with our aesthetic services, and the medical portion of the evaluation can be covered by the patient’s health insurance plan.
Metrosource: Those can be a maze to navigate. So how does that work in real time?
Dr.Chien:For example, if someone has a sunspot they want to have removed with a laser, we would evaluate it to make sure it is not something dangerous like a melanoma, or some other type of skin cancer that would warrant testing and medical treatment rather than a cosmetic laser.
Metrosource: So the patient’s needs and care come before any kind of decisions about treatment.
Dr.Chien:On the other hand, if someone has acne scars, we would treat not only the scars with a laser or a chemical peel but also evaluate the skin type and come up with a skin care regimen to prevent acne and thus prevent new scars. As physicians, we can prescribe prescription strength topicals that are proven to work in clinical trials and approved by the FDA, — saving the patient valuable time and money without having to go through products known only by marketing and far too little science.
Metrosource: That sounds pretty far from how you practice.
Dr.Chien: We focus on the total health of the skin and help patients to look their best, not just in how the skin looks but also its actual health.
To continue with questions of your own, contact Lumos Dermatology®
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Last modified: October 3, 2019