Bear Tag Archive

Let the Gay Times Roll: Southern Decadence Heats Up New Orleans

Picture a healthy, adorable bear. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Bester89 (@bester89) There ya go. Now imagine depriving your cute cub of sustenance during his...

BREAKING: Mark Robinson Is Submissive to Hairy Men

Don’t you just hate ice cream? The way it cools your palate with its sinful deliciousness until you’re aching for more milky goo to ooze down your throat… Yeah, that...

Yeehaw! Get Your Grrr on at Texas Bear Round-Up

Who wants to fondle a go-go god’s underwear whilst simultaneously giving back to essential charities that benefit the LGBTQ+ community? the internet explodes Yaas, it’s true:...

Size Matters: Get Your Fill of Big Dipper

Sure, Shakespeare wrote some ok stuff, but he never spit verses like “I need something rough and thick and wet and juicy, a five course meal to make my ass so loosey-goosey.”...

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