coming out Tag Archive

The Good Ol’ Gays Meet the New Heat

In years gone by, coming out of the closet was akin to crash-landing on an alien planet and being told to “just fit in.” Sure, you might vaguely resemble the organisms around...

All Together Now: Pablo Alborán Comes Out

Let’s face it: last summer was a bummer, but it did feature a few bright spots. Perhaps the hottest news you may have missed was the revelation that Spanish heartthrob Pablo...

“National Coming Out Day”: Why LGBT Liberation Means You Do You

Although June is Pride month, there’s still another chunk of the calendar traditionally dedicated to our community. October is LGBT History Month (though that’s unlikely to be...

A Coming out Story of Abandonment, a Prodigal Son Finds His Family.

I came out of the closet in 1992 in Indianapolis In. I had an abusive father, a subservient mother and was kicked out of the house. I had already told my mother and siblings a...

“Alex Strangelove” Wants Audiences to Love Simon All over Again

Alex Strangelove is a feel-good coming out story for questioning teens trying to navigate same-sex attraction. The film, which bowed Friday on Netflix, is right out of the...

The Bitter Truth…..Of How to Be Authentic

I planned to commit suicide last Wednesday by driving my car into an oncoming 18 wheeler. The driver of the truck would most likely survive, but I figured I would die quick and...

Broadcast Journalist Ronan Farrow Officially Joins the LGBT Community

After years of speculation, gossip and innuendo, broadcast journalist (and yes, actress Mia Farrow’s son) Ronan Farrow has come out. Farrow, who was honored last night the...

Sean Foo of the Singapore Web Phenomenon ‘Dear Straight People’ Asks: Am I Masculine Enough?

As the founder of Singapore’s leading LGBT website, Sean Foo has shared hundreds of other people’s coming out stories; now, he’s sharing his own with Metrosource. In his own...

How My Generation Needs to Do Better by Gay Youth

When my nephew (and godson) came out to me several years ago at age 18, he thanked me for the sacrifices I made as the first out gay person in our family, and for making it so he...

Coming Out Blind and “Looking For the Light of Gay”

What would you think if I told you that I’m gay, still in the closet but wanting desperately to come out and become actively involved in promoting the gay rights agenda?...

How My Coming Out Helped Others Come Out

Life is such a strange concept and all of us as humans are just trying to make sense of it all. Being a 18 year old black gay man, the world tries to give you a lot of false truth...

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