political Tag Archive

Anti-Gay ‘Hamilton’ Production Forced to Pay Penalties to Gay Charities

The year is 2028. You crack open a digital history book and the popup hologram starts rapping about the founding fathers. Ooh, looks like you’ve stumbled upon a Hamilton-ization...

Book ‘Em! Librarian Sues Right-Wingnuts for Slander

She was threatened with physical violence. Her work records and emails were subject to public scrutiny. She was harassed to the point where she could not leave her house for...

Clarence Thomas Hates Women, Gays and America

If you held a position of power for the rest of your life, what would you do with such an immense responsibility? You’d probably fight for equality, fend for the underdog, or...

Congressman Uses Texas School Shooting to Attack Trans Community

What’s the lowest form of life on god’s gay earth? Think of the slimiest strain of algae forming on the cloaca of a bottom-feeding reptile. You’re on the right track, but it...

Stop Paying Attention to Marjorie Failure Greene

You know her initials: MTG. Unfortunately, you also know her legacy: WTF. We refuse to say her name aloud for fear that she’ll suddenly appear in a bloody mirror like a banshee...

Hail Satan! Hey, He’s Better Than Tucker Carlson

It’s hard to believe that over 4 million people would willingly poison their feeble li’l minds nightly, but that’s Tucker Carlson’s average viewership. The Fox “News”...

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