queer eye Tag Archive

Karamo Brown’s journey from MTV’s ‘The Real World’ to the heartwarming ‘Queer Eye’ and the bumps in between

Hollywood has a select group of famous personalities whose star wattage and advocacy work has earned them the honor of being known globally by a singular name. Visionaries like...

Building an LGBTQ Legacy – Lego Gets Queer

Homophobes are like a broken record (playing Kid Rock). They’re always spouting the same tired drivel: But what about the children? Bigots think that kids shouldn’t be privy...

Carson Kressley, The Queen of Reality TV is Authentically Increasing Gay Representation

It’s hard to remember a time that Carson Kressley hasn’t been a fixture on TV. 2003 marked the premiere of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy on the (then) small cable network...

Dad Melts Our Hearts in the Blink of a ‘Queer Eye’

Familiarity yields acceptance. The more you expose yourself to different cultures and ideas, the less frightening they may seem. Even us scary gays become cute and cuddly once you...

Netflix Reboots a 2.0 Queer Eye For a New Generation of Viewers

In our one-on-one conversation, “Culture Guy” Karamo Brown explains why this Fab 5 has taken on a new mission for a new generation. This is not your big brother’s Queer Eye...

Putting Money Where Your Mouth Is: It’s Time for Dining Out for Life 2018

The restaurant industry comes together to offer patrons a way to fight the epidemic by simply going out to eat. This spring, thousands of restaurants across the country will be...

Kressley Lately: Much More Than a Queer Eye for Straight Guys

Nearly a decade after the finale of Queer Eye, Carson Kressley is still offering style advice and serving sass on reality television — and even he can’t believe it! We caught...

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