Someone’s underooos got twisted over the weekend as former Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos found himself booed out of a Manhattan bar. Then the real fireworks started.
Just the Highlights
Just to bring you up to speed, ex-Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos scurried out of a New York bar Sunday under a barrage of the same kind of name-calling that he’s always seemed to like — until it’s directed at him.
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Whether knowingly or ignorant, Yiannopoulos ambled into the middle of a meet-and-greet of the Democratic Socialists of America Sunday. Multiple videos show an angry crowd screeching “Nazi Scum, Get Out!” as Yiannopoulos and his companion made a hasty retreat. But now comes the social media revisionism whereby the alt/right provocateur bemoans how you can’t just spew hate into the world and then kick back into an afternoon of bottomless mimosas.
Ideologically speaking. Yiannopoulos is little more than Ann Coulter in a pants suit — except that Coulter’s not been known for attacking her fellow heterosexuals. Although he’s gay, Yiannopoulos has been seen harassing a trans student and burning the rainbow flag in a Trump ad — he’s basically so far to the right that Log Cabin Republicans look like Marxists next to him.
He seemed brave and confident enough when goading his followers to go after SNL comedienne Leslie Jones, but when he revisited his public scorn later on Instagram, Yiannopoulos wrote, “I was going to stay put obviously but they blocked me from my table and my bag and yelled at me to leave and it was about to escalate into something ugly. It rattled me a little bit (just slightly!), perhaps because I have something to lose in life now. My first thought was John and not getting myself hurt or killed.”
Because the Constitution’s First Amendment protects freedom of the press, it’s important to safeguard Yiannopoulos’ ability to say whatever it is he wants, no matter how heartless, fact-free or disgusting. Press freedom guarantees the right to say things people don’t want to hear. But perhaps Yiannopoulos got just an introductory hint that karma is a real thing. As the Beatles sang in their swan song nearly 50 years ago, “And … in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.” Yup. And the same goes for hate. Bon appetit.
When Milo shows up to the bar after the @nycDSA CLC meeting
— Annie Shields (@anastasiakeeley) April 22, 2018
The Other Shoe Drops
Syracuse University has revised its suspension of Theta Tau fraternity to full-blown expulsion after an administration review of videos assessed as “homophobic and racist” from the frat’s initiation ceremony.
In a filmed statement last Saturday, Chancellor and President Kent Syverud revealed the expulsion and denounced the content of the videos before explaining that it took only two hours from authenticating the images to the Dean of Students Robert Hradsky forwarding a letter to the group effectively ending their ability to connect itself in any way with the university.
In addition, Syeverud made it clear that an “investigation of individual students involved has been pursued with speed and vigor,” and that other campus fraternities will now come under more scrutiny, since there’e suspicion that the mindset of Theta Tau’s membership may have taken root elsewhere.
This Girl Is On Fire
Twenty-two year old Kehlani whose debut album SweetSexySavage went last year to No. #3 in the US, is now freshly out of the closet.
The singer, who has also done work with Eminem, Calvin Harris and Cardi B., took to Twitter on Sunday to tell the world: “cuz i keep geddin asked.. i’m queer. not bi, not straight. i’m attracted to women, men, REALLY attracted to queer men, non binary people, intersex people, trans people. lil poly pansexual papi hello good morning. does that answer your questions?”
Kehlani did not mince words about her response to those who discriminate against those who identify as queer. She tweeted: “if ur attracted to a man and then change your energy up when you find out he’s sexually ambiguous or queer, thass gross.”
As to why she prefers the term “queer” “gay,” she added: “i felt gay always insisted there was still a line drawn as to which ‘label’ of human i was attracted when i really jus be walking around thinking ERRYBODY FINE.”
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Last modified: February 15, 2019