#AskTheHIVDoc Offers Playful, Helpful HIV Advice

Written by | Wellness

This YouTube series from Greater Than AIDS is working to make it easier to talk HIV with your doctor.

The series, “#AskTheHIVDoc,” has two leading HIV doctors giving frank, no-nonsense answers to commonly-asked questions from gay men about HIV prevention, testing and treatment. Dr. Demetre Daskalakis is assistant health commissioner of New York City’s Bureau of HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control; Dr. David Malebranche is a PCP at the University of Pennsylvania’s Student Health Center, with expertise in clinical management of HIV and behavioral HIV prevention research among black men.

The 12 one-minute installments keep a playful, casual tone, but the mission is quite serious: “The more you talk about these things, the more comfortable you’ll be – and frankly, the more comfortable everyone will be,” says Dr. Daskalakis, “And that’s going to be how you get rid of stigma.”

The doctors introduce themselves in the first installment below, and see the rest of the series on the YouTube channel. And “Keep the questions coming!” pleads Dr. Malebranche, by tweeting @GreaterThanAIDS with the tag #AsktheHIVDoc.

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Last modified: October 8, 2019

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