Miss Richfield 1981 Scandalizes the People of Provincetown

Written by | Entertainment, Stage

Provincetown, Massachusetts is a magical little spot that blossoms every year like the fictitious Scottish village of Brigadoon that only appears once a century for 24 hours. And, for the thousands who visit PTown for a week every summer, Miss Richfield is as much a part of the landscape as the famous monument that overlooks the town.

I met Miss Richfield 1981 at a backyard barbecue during Carnival Week in 2016. She is one of the busiest and most popular queens on the peninsula, and it’s no surprise why. She’s delightfully good-natured, can be funny on demand, and is easily one of the most approachable of all the entertainers who stay for the summer season to delight the tourists. If she’s not on stage, you can find her pitching in for little civic events (in the video we have here, she was lending a hand to the folks to preserve the grounds and maintain the monument), or traveling up and down Commercial Street on her little cart handing out fliers to her show. Unpretentious, hysterical, and sweeter than a bag full of pixy sticks, we love us some Miss Richfield!

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Last modified: September 4, 2019

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