Two prodigal sons lead to double trouble in this film, which starts out as the story of Danny and his father Miguel (pictured). Danny lives in East LA where he uses his artistic talent to tag bridges and billboards. Miguel runs the family business customizing other peoples’ lowriders — lavishly detailed classic cars known for their powerful bouncing hydraulics. All the while, he dreams of winning money and glory in lowrider competitions himself. When Miguel’s eldest son “Ghost” returns after eight years in jail, Danny finds himself torn between the rival car clubs of his father and his brother. Meanwhile, he also must decide whether to stick with his street art or turn his attentions to the more legit art scene in nearby gentrifying neighborhoods. The Word: This earnest film features a fine cast (including Eva Longoria), chronicles a specific corner of Angelino culture, and cars that are truly works of art. Coming To: Theaters
Last modified: July 27, 2017