Aloe Vera: The Ancient Egyptians referred to it as “the plant of immortality,” using its sap as a remedy for gastric conditions, inflammations, skin ailments, and even tuberculosis.
Cleopatra and Nefertiti are rumored to have incorporated it into their beauty routines. The plant made its way to Persia and India (where it was prized as “the Desert Lily”), and eventually Spanish priests brought it to the New World, where it took root in California, Central America, Florida, Texas, and the West Indies.
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Though there are roughly 360 species of aloe, only aloe vera has this unique medicinal lineage. What makes it so special? First of all, it’s packed with important minerals (including calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, zinc, and potassium) and vitamins (among them: A, B12, C, D, beta-carotene and folic acid). It’s also got nine of the ten essential amino acids, plus enzymes and other biostimulants. But the really extraordinary component of aloe vera is a substance called acemannan, which has an incredibly stimulating effect on our immune systems. Plus, aloe vera gel and human skin share virtually the same pH level, making it uniquely suited to soothe, reduce inflammation and promote growth and healing.
Once the Dutch introduced aloe to Aruba in the 1800s, the island quickly became one of the largest exporters of aloe vera products in the world — nicknamed “The Island of Aloes.” The oldest aloe company in the world, Aruba Aloe, was founded there in 1890. Today, they blend pure aloe vera into sunscreens, lip balms, lotions, shower gels, deodorants, and more — including an Alhydran gel cream to help treat wounds, burns, scars and itches. You can visit the Aruba Aloe Museum and Factory to learn more about how the plant is cultivated and transformed into helpful products like these.
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Last modified: July 10, 2019