Leo Herrera's Gay Pride Film: 50 Years In Less Than 5 Minutes

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Filmmaker Leo Herrera has updated his 2013 gay retrospective called “The Fortune Teller” (who very much resembles Hibiscus the fabled San Francisco faerie) to include many of milestones in the short recorded history of LGBT culture.

Fortune Teller Film

Please note: There is some decidedly adult imagery and some equally strong language. Yet, as a montage of where we’ve been, it seems a powerful statement about where we are today: Resolute. Out. Strong. Embattled. Undeterred. Taken as a whole in the spirit it’s intended, we think of Herrera’s film as a short flashback – from pre-Stonewall to the medical breakthrough of PrEP and the calamity two weeks ago in Orlando. It is quite the visual document. Have a look:

The Fortune Teller: 50 Yrs of Faggotry in 5 Mins, By Leo Herrera from Herrera Images on Vimeo.

Last modified: January 17, 2018

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