Metrosource Celebrates NYC Gay Pride

Written by | Lifestyle

On this, the first anniversary of the Supreme Court decision legalizing marriage equality in all 50 states, we at Metrosource were honored and delighted to be part of New York’s spectacular Pride celebration!

Metrosource Staff at Pride
From our vantage point – not far from the parade route – all we could see was a sea of smiling faces and outstretched arms from our LGBT brothers and sisters and all of those gay-friendly folks and families who joined in today’s observance. Yes, there was much talk of Orlando and the work that remains to be done. But there was also a sense of solidarity, and the bond that exists year round, but is never seen en masse like it is on Pride Sunday.

Pride Crowd 2016

One of the most fun aspects of distributing our magazine (our annual Pride issue, this year featuring the stellar Cyndi Lauper) is that we actually get to meet and greet the very people we create the magazine for. We thank you for your support, your praise and your suggestions for future issues. We may make the magazine (and its online companion), but we always keep in mind that ultimately . . . it’s for you. Happy Pride, everyone!!

NYC Pride 2016

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Last modified: July 10, 2019

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