Our 5 Choices for Spring Circuit Parties

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Our five choices for this spring’s flings…

The Black Party
March 19
The Saint at Large sets this scene for 5,000 men to live out some of their darker fantasies each year, with plenty of erotic art, music and dancing. blackpartyexpo.com


Bal en Blanc
March 27
Bal en Blanc is an Easter weekend White Party rave that’s been heating up Montreal since 1995. Over 15,000 people come out to dance to legendary DJs — historically at Montreal’s Palais de Congres, (though it traveled to the Bell Centre for a temporary stint last year). balenblanc.com


Miami Beach Pride
April 8–10
Radio icon Elvis Duran will head to Miami for this year’s event, which draws over 130,000 people and has grown from a neighborhood event to a world-class stage featuring stars including Gloria Estefan and Adam Lambert. miamibeachgaypride.com


White Party Palm Springs
April 8–11
The “largest gay dance music festival in the world” will bring thousands of men to redefine the meaning of “desert heat.” jeffreysanker.com


Dallas Purple Party
April 29–May 2
The Purple Party Weekend turned 15 last year, but its organizers promise this year’s sweet 16 will be the biggest and best yet. The Main Event, Tea Dance and Pool Party are certain to be tons of fun, but the hot Texans get especially rowdy at Friday night’s Ignite party. purplefoundation.org


Last modified: July 27, 2017

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