Our Favorite Tweets Today [Updated Throughout]

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On Friday, June 26 at 10:01 am, it came: Marriage is a constitutional right in all 50 states.

Once, maybe twice a year SCOTUSblog becomes our Google.

Then POTUS declared that #LoveWins:

And the WhiteHouse prepared this avatar…

Justice Kennedy was trending immediately, especially for his closing paragraph: “They ask for equal dignity in the eyes of the law. The Constitution grants them that right.” And then these four words: “It is so ordered.”

Ariana Huffington checked in with the dissent. Her writers’ take on Justice Scalia was written with gleeful gloating under the headline “I Give Up, Do Whatever You Want.”

Pride festivals this weekend will be bonkers. If our NYC office is ecstatic, and we can only imagine what happening in the office of NYCPride itself. (Nothing, it turns out, as they were at the newly landmarked Stonewall celebrating.)

San Franciscans will be waking up to some happy news, too, as SFPride begins.

Then there’s Looking, who gave us Daniel Franzese’s twirls. You twirl, girl.

Of course, there are the RickSantorums of the world, who also spoke predictably.

Last modified: June 22, 2018

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