REVIEW: Nina Forever

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Like last year’s sleeper hit The Babadook, Nina Forever is an Australian not-quite-horror film that makes potent use of magical realism.

Nina Forever Review

When Rob is stuck grieving over the death of his girlfriend Nina, his coworker Holly finds his pain romantically irresistible. Soon Rob and Holly fall for each other, but every time they attempt intimacy, Nina’s bloody body — mangled in a car crash — manifests nearby. Though initially terrifying, this soon becomes de rigueur as the new lovers learn to incorporate the chatty, bitter cadaver into their struggling relationship. What follows is a poignant meditation on loss and emotional baggage that’s difficult to anticipate as it seamlessly weaves between metaphor and menace. Writer/director brothers Ben and Chris Blaine have created an all-around excellent film with inventive editing, a cast of promising newcomers, nice sound work and a great score THE WORD: Refreshingly visceral, yet surprisingly tender: a love story with real guts. COMING TO: Theaters

Last modified: July 27, 2017

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