REVIEW: Terrence Malick's "Knight of Cups"

Written by | Entertainment

Master filmmaker Terrence Malick was once known for only creating a new film about every seven years, but he’s been picking up the pace.

Photo courtesy Broad Green Pictures

Photo courtesy Broad Green Pictures

His ambitious The Tree of Life from 2011 was followed up with To the Wonder just a year later. Now comes Knight of Cups, which follows Christian Bale as a screenwriter alternately cavorting and sulking through a parade of Hollywood opulence — attending parties stocked with real celebrities playing versions of themselves. In between, we also see Bale’s character (who says almost nothing outside of voice-over) struggle through relationships with women, including Cate Blanchett and Natalie Portman (pictured with Bale), and his angry father, played by Brian Dennehy. THE WORD: Not everyone has a taste for Malick’s ponderous, poetic storytelling, but the striking visuals and star-packed cast here may still satisfy. COMING TO: Theaters

Last modified: January 17, 2018

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