Sharon Van Etten Goes Pop On Her New Album, “Remind Me Tomorrow”

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Sharon Van Etten

Sharon Van Etten
Remind Me Tomorrow (Jagjaguwar Records)

The New York-based singer-songwriter, indie darling and part-time actress returns with the most pop-driven release of her career. As Sharon tells it: “I wrote this record while going to school, pregnant after taking The OA audition. … This record is about pursuing your passions.”

Inspired by the likes of Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds; Portishead, art-punk and avant-garde legends Suicide, Sharon Van Etten approaches themes including love and longing with an honest, albeit subtle approach. She also manages to sprinkle new idiosyncrasies into her signature sound. Sharon notably puts down her guitar for the bulk of Remind Me Tomorrow.

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She’s replaced it with the sounds of synthesizers, a propulsive organ and a distorted upright piano. The result is glorious. Highlights include the menacing “Comeback Kid”; the wrenching Springsteen-esque “Seventeen”; and the uplifting “Memorial Day.” Oh, and the album’s title is a reference to the kinds of update windows that often pop up on computer and phone screens. Sharon says that she found it oddly appropriate to these particular tracks.

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Last modified: March 28, 2019

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