Still Alice

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Playing a character dying

of a tragic illness is often a surefire way to win an Oscar, and it may well finally do the trick for Julianne Moore. The actress is deserving of that recognition — both for her extraordinary work in general and specifically for this challenging role as an accomplished linguistics professor (and mother of three) who is suddenly stricken with early-onset Alzheimer’s. You’ll also recognize the rest of the cast: Alice’s husband is played by Alec Baldwin; her children are Kate Bosworth, Hunter Parrish and Kristen Stewart. Stewart plays the most significant supporting role in the film, and her pretty face and passable sincerety more or less compensate for her other limitations as an actor. The film’s production is also strong, and its story is very straightforward and affecting. Think of it as a Nancy Meyers film (e.g., It’s Complicated) in which the middle-aged heroine’s whimsy has been replaced with dread. THE WORD: Though its weighty subject matter will resonate with some and alienate others, Moore is the reason to see this film. It’s hers through and through, and she delivers a performance that absolutely carries it off. COMING TO: Theaters

By Jonathan Roche

Last modified: July 27, 2017

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