There’s No Plan Quite Like “Maggie’s Plan”

Written by | Entertainment, Screen

Maggie is a literature professor who is very organized yet always seems to be coping with chaos.

Ethan Hawke, Greta Gerwig

Photo by John Pack, Hall Monitor, Inc.

For example, she ends up having unexpected sex with her married colleague John (played by Ethan Hawke) mere minutes after inseminating herself with donated sperm intended to set her on the path to single motherhood. Her subsequent, imperfect relationship with John and entanglement with his commanding, Icelandic ex-wife (another scene-stealing appearance from Julianne Moore) propels the humorous tumult in Maggie’s Plan. Rebecca Miller (who happens to be both the daughter of playwright Arthur Miller and the wife of Daniel Day-Lewis) directs this fun story about the unpredictability of life, love and the best laid plans going awry. THE WORD: The cast is headed by the always-effervescent Greta Gerwig but boasts added comedy clout from Maya Rudolph and Bill Hader in the roles of her married best friends. COMING TO: Theaters

Last modified: July 10, 2019

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