6 Tips for Finding a Wedding Photographer for a Same-Sex Wedding

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With cellphone cameras and Instagram filters, it seems like everyone’s a photographer these days. But it’s important to hire a pro for your big day. For any you’re considering, go through their website, get feedback given by past clients and make sure they are comfortable photographing same-sex weddings. (See our directory for trusted options in the NYC area.)

Here are some things to consider when planning for the big day:

  • Go down the Pinterest rabbit hole. Find wedding pics you love and see if the artist behind your favorite images is available. Save faves to show your photographer.
  • Pick a style: Do you want primarily black-and-white? High glamour? Documentary-style ? Traditional? Work with your partner to identify your expectations.
  • Reach out to friends and family for recommendations on social media. A call for recommendations in your feed could get you options in a matter of minutes.
  • Meet the candidates and see how you connect. Ask about portfolios and see what kind of storytellers they are. Don’t hesitate to ask for references.
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  • Consider booking your top choice for engagement photos, to really get a feel for their personality, philosophy and work ethic.
  • Once you’ve settled on a photographer, make sure to get your agreement in writing via contract. Also: see if there’s liability insurance and read the fine print on cancellations.

For more inspiration, pick up a copy of The New Art of Capturing Love: The Essential Guide to Lesbian and Gay Wedding Photography, released by Kathryn Hamm and Thea Dodds for Amphoto Books.

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Last modified: August 20, 2019

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