4 Ways to Get into Shape That Aren’t the Gym

Written by | Fitness, Wellness

alternative exercise for abs

Over the last half century, Americans have been increasingly conditioned to believe that their only path to fitness is the gym. Wrong. Here are links to some of our exercise articles that will present you some alternatives:

Tips For Runners


If you’ve made running your New Year’s resolution, let’s get you started on the right track. Most of us are like racehorses. If we don’t get out and move, we go stir crazy. Our bodies sag and slow down, and it makes our minds slow, too. That’s one of the best reasons to start a regular running regimen — in addition to its many cardiovascular benefits. But whatever the reason you want to get into a running routine, starting out right is key. Read the full article

Alternatives to Traditional Gyms

Rise Nation

Traditional gyms leaving you fatigued? Consider these alternative gyms to help wake up your fitness routine. Many people find themselves unmotivated to return to a traditional gym setting, and to meet their needs, alternative gyms across the country are attempting to entice potential clients with something different: specialization, a sense of community, one-on-one training and whole-person fitness philosophies. Read the full article

Gym Class Excercise Calorie Counts

gym class throwbacks

Phys Ed wasn’t all frustrating rope climbs and locker room towel-snapping. We look at the history of some of the sports we played then — and how they can help us burn calories now. Gym class was also a time when we got to try a wide variety of sports that offered valuable exercise while we were too busy having fun to notice. Read the full article

Winter Workouts

winter exercise

If you think winter is a time for hibernation, think again. Swimsuit season will be here before you know it and if you want to stay fit through the cooler months, prevent gym fatigue by breaking up your routine with outdoor recreation. To keep you motivated, we’ve rounded up fun facts about the history and health benefits of cold weather sporting activities — including the calories you can burn with each. Read the full article

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Last modified: November 7, 2019