There Are No Small Parts, No Small Actors in “Colossal”

Written by | Entertainment, Screen

Anne Hathaway

Some indie films rely on big ideas, and the one behind this film is as big as its title might suggest. Colossal is the story of a writer, played by Anne Hathaway, who can’t stop partying and get her life together. After her handsome British boyfriend — Downton Abbey heartthrob Dan Stevens — kicks her to the curb, she moves back to her small hometown and reconnects with a childhood friend played by SNL veteran Jason Sudeikis. Now here’s the Big Idea: when Hathaway enters the small playground across from her childhood home, a colossal Godzilla-like monster materializes in Seoul, South Korea and mirrors her exact movements, destroying large portions of the city and causing mounting terror. THE WORD: There are many twists in this story, which I won’t spoil since they are high points; suffice it to say that (despite the intricate set-up it takes to get there) the film’s parting message defies expectations. COMING TO: Theaters

Last modified: July 15, 2019

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