Final Season of Downton Abbey Starts Sunday

Written by | Entertainment, Screen

In a TV Landscape dominated by epic battles over Westeros and meth labs in Albuquerque, who would have thought Americans would get so caught up in the swan song of the English feudal system?

Final Season of Downton Abbey Starts Sunday

Nonetheless, the Crawleys and their staff have turned Sunday nights on PBS into appointment television, and they will again as the sixth and final season of Downton Abbey begins on January 3. It’s 1925 this season — the days between the wars — and great houses like Downton are seeing and end to their opulent era. Our sources from across the pond (where the season aired this fall) have assured us that in this age of change, we can rely on Lady Mary’s icy glares, Lady Edith’s bad luck and the Dowager Countess’ inimitable bons mots.

Last modified: January 22, 2018

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