Life Lessons: This is Beard Care 101

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Bearded Hipster

Balms and oils and shampoos, oh my! We talk to a celebrity grooming expert Carissa  Ferreri of Bulldog Skincare for Men about the long and short of rocking the best beard.

It’s no secret that beards have been back in style for quite some time now. And most of us know that maintaining the look and quality of the hair on top of our heads requires specific daily care: shampoo, conditioner, brushing, daily maintenance. But what about our beards? There are some important steps everyone who decides to sport a little more than five-o’clock shadow can do daily to ensure we look, feel (and smell) our best.

Expert Advice

We checked in for with grooming expert Carissa Ferreri of Bulldog Skincare for Men to get a few pointers on proper whisker maintenance. Ferreri’s celebrity clients include Eric McCormack, Michael B. Jordan, Annette Bening, Gina Rodriguez, and Ansel Elgort. In addition, Ferreri has contributed to numerous marketing campaigns for Yeezy, Marc Jacobs, Stella McCartney, L’Oreal and Kimpling.

Do you recommend an all-purpose routine for beard care?

Make sure to wash and condition your beard a few times a week using a formula specifically made for the coarse hairs on your face. A two-in-one  shampoo and conditioner like Bulldog Skincare Original Beard Shampoo and Conditioner is a simple way to keep your beard clean, smelling great and prevent any debris and buildup from excess oil.

After shampooing, it’s best to then apply a beard oil to moisturize the skin and hair follicle. This step is essential for the beard and skin underneath to be well hydrated to prevent irritation, under-beard acne, itchiness, and excessive dryness. After beard oil is well massaged in skin and hair, use a comb and brush downward to disperse the oils evenly while preventing split ends. Every few weeks trim stray, unruly hairs with small scissors to maintain hair health and avoid uneven growth.

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Does all that apply to men who like to keep shorter beards?

Using a facial scrub once or twice a week will remove dead skin cells and help with any inflammation you’re experiencing with growing out or keeping it trimmed and on the shorter side. Adding beard oil is still a fundamental product for men with short beards or in the early stages of growing out their beards. Its moisturizing properties help treat beard dandruff and flaking, and also calm down any itchiness. Another advantage with a beard oil for shorter beards is that it absorbs not only the top layer of the skin, but also down into the root of the hair follicle, locking in hydration, and resulting in clear skin and healthy hair.

What products do you recommend for longer beards?

The longer the beard, the more coarse and dry the hair can be, which can require more attention. Coarse hair is prone to breaking and drying, causing a need to keep it well conditioned.  Shampooing with a two-in-one is vital to wash away any debris and cleanse environmental smells. Next, choosing a beard balm such as Bulldog Skincare Original Beard Balm will lend an extra boost of conditioning while providing some hold, especially for your mustache and sideburns.

How should men adjust their approach to grooming a beard once the seasons start to change?

In the warmer months, use beard oil three times a week. While in the cold, dryer months, up your beard oil game to at least once a day.

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Especially during colder months, the skin under my beard gets pretty dry. How do I moisturize better below the beard?

Be prepared to face extra dry skin in the winter months by incorporating a combination of both beard oil and beard balm to your routine. Beard oil is great for keeping the skin under your beard healthy, but beard balms offer extra hydration due to its thick texture. Balms have a higher viscosity than oils and will take longer to absorb, which gives you more nourishment and longer-lasting moisture. A beard balm is also very versatile for the winter months and can be used on other dry parts of the body (like elbows) or to give your tattoos a nice shine. Any excess left over on your hands simply run through the sides of your hair giving it a bit of hold with minimal sheen.                           

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Last modified: October 1, 2019

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