A Witty Book Makes Readers “Suave in Every Situation”

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Suave in Every Situation

Written by Gonzague Dupleix | Flammarion; $24.95

If you prefer your guides to living well and looking good to come equipped with a hearty helping of humor, consider Suave in Every Situation: A Rakish Style Guide for Men. With whimsical illustrations and devilish wit, this book offers genuine advice on topics including etiquette, clothing, grooming, traveling and more. And, despite its often ribald tone, it’s also a tool for taking stock of oneself; at its core Suave in Every Situation wants to help men discover themselves and then figure out the best way to show the person they are (or want to be) to the world.

Dupleix’s text is just tongue-in-cheek enough to keep a smile on your face while reading; filled with just enough good advice to actually have some value beyond its comedy, and just broad-based enough to help you expand your own sartorial vocabulary. You have limited beach time left this season, but this book would make a terrific under the umbrella companion — as long as you don’t mind people occasionally looking at you as though you’ve lost your mind when you’re laughing out loud.

Suave in Every Situation Cover

Last modified: September 5, 2017

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