humor Tag Archive

A Witty Book Makes Readers “Suave in Every Situation”

Written by Gonzague Dupleix | Flammarion; $24.95 If you prefer your guides to living well and looking good to come equipped with a hearty helping of humor, consider Suave in Every...

Make Trouble: A John Waters Speech Transformed into a Book

At the age of 69, John Waters became a sensation all over again. This time it was because of his hilarious and memorable commencement speech to the The Rhode Island School of...

Amy Schumer Stars with Goldie Hawn in Snatched

With her comedy central show, a series of well-received stand-up specials and the blockbuster big screen success of Trainwreck, Amy Schumer has been riding high. She’ll attempt...

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt Returns after Ellie Kemper’s Pregnancy

If you feel like you’ve waited an extra long time for the return of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, you’re right. Season Three (on Netflix as of May 19) was delayed due to star...

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