Tom of Finland and Rufskin Collaborate: It's Hot

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The California brand Rufskin has teamed up with Tom of Finland, and the result is pretty hot.

When you look at Tom of Finland’s art, it’s only natural to want to wrap yourself up in them. Finland’s Touko Laaksonen spent the better part of the 20th century subverting archetypes of masculinity with (often) blatantly gay imagery.

Last year, Finland released a series of postage stamps, making it socially acceptable to lick the men of ToF’s world in public. A series of U.S. exhibitions are planned for this year and last, and a biopic is due in 2016.

But for now, San Diego’s Rufskin has released its Tom of Finland by Rufskin collection, and what they’ve come up with is damn sexy. Head designer Hubert Pouches’s reverence to Tom of Finland leads to some irreverent pieces, ranging from cheeky to hot.

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Last modified: July 27, 2017

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