We List the Best Gay Events and Activities for January 4-11, 2018

Written by | Entertainment

Seth Meyers

Staying in to avoid the winter storm? Can’t say as we blame you. This week, we have things to keep you warm by the fire as well as fun times out and about.

If you’re feeling indoorsy, you might want to finish binge-watching The Crown, because you’re sure to hear that title come up over and over again at the 75th Annual Golden Globes Awards, set to air on NBC Sunday at 8 p.m. EST and 5 p.m. Pacific time. Host Seth Meyers is an inspired choice as emcee, and as everyone knows, the show is a great predictor of the odds-on favorites for this year’s Academy Awards. Who will win? Well, to paraphrase Will & Grace, “You don’t win a Golden Globe; you buy it. You win an Oscar.”

If you’re looking to take your love of TV stars outdoors, you might want to check out a promising one-man show starring the adorably self-obsessed twink from Difficult People, Cole Escola, who performs Help, I’m Stuck! live at Joe’s Pub Friday night.

Saturday you can shake off that chill for a few bops down memory lane at Romy and Michelle’s Afternoon Tea Dance. Show up in your MJ Thriller red and black jacket, your Boy George drag or dress it up study like you’re Huey Lewis. Too cold to venture out? You can also follow the fun at home by listening to what the deejay spins on Spotify.

And here’s something that will keep you occupied indoors or out, no matter the weather: there’s a new podcast debuting this week. It’s a 10-part series depicting the rise of the Mattachine Society in the 1950s. As the first U.S. organization to ever promote gay rights, the society was under constant attack and surveillance, and this series promises to dig deep into the attempts to keep gay Americans under lock and key in the closet.

Last modified: January 12, 2018

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