Silky May Eclipse The Vixen as Most Memorable Drag Race Villain

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The Vixen drag queen

Both the Vixen and Silky Nutmeg Ganache made enemies with their in-your-face styles, but which queen will go down in herstory as a more memorable Drag Race villain?

The Vixen vs. Silky: Two In-Your-Face Queens

Sure, there are fans of RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 11’s Silky and her larger-than-life personality. She’s certainly high-energy and determined to be remembered. But there are also complaints. Silky is loud, and she has an endless appetite for hearing herself speak. Other queens started complaining about her within the first episode. Even guest judge Miley Cyrus seemed a little unnerved when Silky proceeded to pick her up and shake her like a rag doll.

Notably, The Vixen was also marked as a troublemaker by fellow competitors early on in Season 10. Confrontational and not afraid to forcefully argue her point of view, The Vixen turned off some Drag Race fans with her many fights. Her one-on-one battles with Eureka were particularly memorable. Then again, some fans point out that The Vixen seemed mad for a reason. Often the motivating factor behind her tirades seemed to be what she saw as a racism inherent in the Drag Race competition.

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Did The Vixen Get a New Attitude?

Some wondered if the Season 10 Reunion would bring a warmer, fuzzier The Vixen. However, the queen notably exited in the middle of the reunion show after RuPaul addressed her controversial confrontations. Thus, we were somewhat surprised when we ran into her, and she was overflowing with positive energy. Is it be enough to revise her “villain” status? Check her out on video:

“Metrosource wants to know, ‘If I could tell my younger self one thing to get me further in life, what would it be?'” says The Vixen. “And what it would be is: ‘What are you waiting for? Go! Go, do it right now! You know you want to. Who cares what anybody else thinks? Just do it. ‘Cuz you’re gonna do it later and wish that you started sooner, and you’re gonna be doing a lot of videos telling your younger self to get on it; so just do it, dammit! Mwah!”

Watch our videos chats with other Drag Race Season 10 and All Stars queens. And share who you think the most memorable Drag Race villain is in the comments!

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Last modified: March 5, 2019

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