It was a night of spitting rhymes and slaying choreography. But who said something that made us scream, “Yassskween”?
Preparing for the Challenge
On the nature of rap:
YVIE: I’m basically just bragging. That’s what rap is: the art of telling your truth, but also you have to be confident about your truth.
MISS VANJIE: I feel like I rap on a daily basis.
YVIE: You do, girl.
On what she’ll be rapping about:
SILKY: I definitely want to do a tribute to big girls. You know, I’m talking about me and doing what I do.
BROOKE: What is it that you do?
On Brooke’s confidence level:
YVIE: Brooke Lynn seems legitimately excited for whatever rap she’s writing. So either she’s got a really strong game face or she’s delusional.
Clapping back at the other queens:
SILKY: You know what? I like shade. Throw all the shade you can at me.
MISS VANJIE: With that hair on, it’s very easy right now.
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”What’s the Tee?” and Studio Time with Todrick
Silky enters sporting a magenta scarf:
RUPAUL: Oh my goodness, [asI live and breathe! It’s Dr. Silky Ganache – I see you tied your good rag around your head!
SILKY: A good one today, honey! A real good one!
Taking off her jacket:
TODRICK: I didn’t know we were paying for a strip show. I shoulda brought my ones.
SILKY: Honey, they tip me fives. They don’t tip me ones!
Regarding the similarities between dance and drag:
BROOKE: Ballet is such a very structured art form. And then I went from ballet to pageants, which is very similar. There’s a right way and a wrong way, and there’s not a lot of room for artistic interperement- In-
MICHELLE: -terpretation?
RUPAUL: I like interperement.
If Miss Vanjie was born in Puerto Rico:
RUPAUL: Why is it you have a New York accent?
MISS VANJIE: My Mom’s from New York. She’s NuYoRican. She’s cool with J-Lo allegedly.
Do Vanjie and Brooke have a future?
MISS VANJIE: I do see me and Brooke Lynn dating after this. I hope he say the same [bleep] or I’m gonna have to whoop his ass.
On how Drag Race has changed her:
MISS VANJIE: At the beginning, I was fresh off the nipple. I was still on Gerber baby. And now I’ve just become such a stronger person. Well-roundedly. And all that jazz. And I stand before you – looking at the Tic Tacs, looking at Mama, looking at Michelle and I feel like, “Bitch, I did something.”
On the judge’s expectations:
MISS VANJIE: They’re not completely satisfied with the appetizer I gave them. They want the full entree now.
Rehearsal and Runway
Facing choreography:
A’KERIA: I think at this point everybody knows Miss A’Keria is not a dancer. I’m gonna have to rent a pair of legs from somewhere.
On Brooke putting some stank on it:
TODRICK: Right now she is a very prim and proper ballerina, and we need to her to go to the Cardi B school for girls.
On Todrick reading her dancing:
A’KERIA: Listen. You see a girl trying. Don’t keep calling me out on these people camera.
As the queens discuss their victories while getting ready:
MISS VANJIE: Everybody over here talking about who’s winning what, and they think they’re all rabbits. But don’t sleep on the turtle because sometimes the turtle will outdo the rabbit. While you’re over there jackrabbitting and punching it through the competition, thinking you slaying, that don’t mean you can’t fall. Don’t sleep on the turtle. Sometimes the turtle can win the race.
Greeting the judges:
RUPAUL: Ross Mathews, did you think you’d make it this far in the competition?
ROSS: Uh huh, the trick is to listen to everything Michelle Visage says, and then ignore it.
RUPAUL: Worked for me.
On her runway lewk:
MISS VANJIE: Tonight I’m giving you Vivien Leigh Gone with the Wind, Latina style big ass green ballgown and I’m looking rich like a good old hundred thousand dollars. Cut the check, cuz I look good.
On A’Keria’s bejewelled gown:
CARSON: Well, clearly she’s stoned.
On how cinched Silky is:
RUPAUL: Well, I’ve always felt that internal organs are really overrated.
Bring back Ru’s girls – with quotes from last episode:
16 Hot Quotes from “Drag Race” Season 11 Episode 11 “Bring Back My Queens!”
Can’t get enough Miss Vanjie? Check her out on video:
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