November, 2019 Archive

People We Love 2019: Angelica Ross

How do you prefer your Angelica Ross: As the indomitable Candy Ferocity on Pose, or the shady lady with a history on American Horror Story: 1984 Ross is having a moment, as the...

When Andy Met Dolly: This is What Happened on “Heartstrings”

Andy Mientus is an out actor known for his work on stage (Spring Awakening) and screen (from Smash to The Flash). Now he’s set to make an even bigger splash — as a guest...

This Is What It Feels Like When Your High School Crush Might Be Gay

He was my secret high school crush. She was the teacher we both turned to for advice. And in one fateful conversation, I learned what it feels like when your high school crush...

Hepatitis A: This Is Why Gays Are At Risk

What is hepatitis A? How do you get hepatitis A? From transmission to treatment, we look at the current hepatitis outbreak, and ask why gays are at risk and is is curable? The...

Feel Love? This Donna Summer Touring Musical is a Fitting Last Dance

The National Tour of Summer: The Donna Summer Musical arrived in Los Angeles at the Pantages Theater and runs through November 24th. Thanks in large part to its stellar cast, a...

This is Not How the World Was Supposed to Discover I’m Gay

I knew I was gay since I began watching the early seasons of The Power Rangers. I had a crush on almost every red and blue ranger cast for the show. During my early childhood, I...

“Last Christmas:” This Is George Michael’s Wish Come True

Director extraordinaire and Metrosource mainstay Paul Feig shares the ups and downs of building a film around the music of a lost legend. Paul Feig keeps making movies we can’t...

These Are 11 Gay GIFs to Use When You Feel Fabulous

If a picture is worth a thousand words, a well chosen GIF is worth a million. They let us add nuance and emotional resonance to our online communications. In addition, they take...

Ask Daddy: This Is How I Humiliated a Gay Sex Addict

Ask Daddy is an advice column for LGBTQ readers with questions relating to sexuality, morality, coming out or navigating relationships. And always remember, the best advice this...

This Is Why The Transgender Day of Remembrance is Vital

Transgender Day of Remembrance is Wednesday. Gender-questioning Americans are at a crossroads never seen before in American society. They’re exposed and seen by the public....

People We Love 2019: Chris Frederick

If you’re an LGBTQ New Yorker, you may already be familiar with Chris Frederick’s accomplishments. He leads the organization that annually hosts NYC’s always-impressive...

These Are 7 of the Best Luxury Spas in the World for LGBTQ Travelers

Bathe like the ancient Romans. Find zen in New Zealand. Experience the native botanicals of Belize — and more. It seems no matter where you go, there’s always a new spa to...